Notre équipe



Judit dirige les deux agences de voyage réceptives gérées par la société : Continental Travel et Aktív Tours. Elle est un des fondateurs et la vice-présidente de MABEUSZ, Association Hongroise des agences de voyage réceptives. Forte de plusieurs années d’expériences professionnelles dans le domaine de l’organisation des voyages et des événements, elle a coordonné avec succès le séjour d’un grand nombre de groupes, avec les deux agences. Persévérante et ouverte aux nouveautés, elle adore sa profession et apprécie ainsi la « formation tout au long de la vie ». Dans son temps libre, elle aime lire, faire de la gymnastique, aller au cinéma et au théâtre, mais sa véritable passion est le voyage (dans son pays natal ou à l’étranger.) Elle parle allemand.



Tamás est ”celui qui développe”. Véritable moteur de notre société, la personne qui s’investit toujours dans un nouveau projet. En tant que directeur général, il est responsable de l’orientation stratégique de l’entreprise. Il considère qu’une entreprise peut se développer ou régresser et entre les deux, il choisit la première possibilité. Durant son temps libre, il aime jouer au tennis, au golf, ou plonger dans la lecture d’un bon livre. Il parle anglais, allemand, italien, français et espagnol.

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Cookie Policy

Continental Travel respects the protection of your personal information.

Cookie meaning

A cookie is a small file sent by a web server that is created, when a user visits a website and that is stored on the user's computer for a predetermined period of time. The purpose of cookies is to improve the user experience of websites. A cookie allows our web server to recognize the user’s device used for browsing and the user’s history on the website. With the help of cookies, we can get a picture of the given user's website visiting and internet using habits and browser history. Cookies do not contain data that can be used to identify the visitors of a website, they are only used to identify the user's computer.

Acceptance of the Cookie Policy by visiting the website

When you visit our website, the site collects data using the cookies described above. By visiting our website, in accordance with this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy, the user can accept with one click that the website uses cookies, which are not suitable for identifying persons. If the user disables the installation of cookies to his own computer or removes cookies from his own browser, this may limit the usability of the website, and the settings previously specified on that website may be lost.

Cookies and analytical tools used on our website

Setting cookies

Most web browsers support the use of cookies. When setting up your browser, you can manually delete, stop or completely disable each cookie. You are able to enable cookies only on certain websites. If you allow the use of cookies in your browser, we assume that you accept the use of standard cookies used by our servers and websites.
More information:

Social media

Among other things, our website allows visitors to view our company on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Obviously, we have and cannot have any influence on the online data collection practices of these social media, which are independent of us.
If you wish to obtain information regarding the data usage in the listed media, you can do so by reading the terms of use and privacy of the mentioned sites.

Newsletters, e-mails

You can also subscribe to our newsletter on our website, or you can contact us at any time to unsubscribe from the newsletter database. The latter is also necessary in order to prohibit us from collecting data on whether you have opened the newsletters and e-mails we sent you.
When interpreting this Cookie Policy, the instructions of our Privacy Policy must also be taken into account.

If you need further information about cookies and how they work, you can find detailed information on the or on the sites.
